Boards & Commissions
Zoning Hearing Board
The Zoning Hearing Board is a three member volunteer board appointed by the Board of Supervisors of the Township and they have one alternate. The Zoning Hearing Board, as provided by the Municipalities Planning Code of Pennsylvania, are empowered with exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide the following:
- substantive challenges to the validity of any land use ordinance, except curative amendments;
- procedural challenges to a land use ordinance;
- appeals from the determination of the zoning officer, including, but not limited to the following:
- the granting or denial of any permit, or failure to act on the application,
- the issuance of any cease and desist order or,
- b. the registration or refusal to register any nonconforming use, structure or lot;
- the granting or denial of any permit, or failure to act on the application,
- appeals from a determination by the municipal engineer or zoning officer with respect to the administration of any flood plain or flood hazard ordinance or such provisions within a land use ordinance;
- applications for variances;
- applications for special exceptions;
- appeals from the determination of any officer or agency charged with the administration of any transfers of development rights or performance density provisions of the zoning ordinance;
- appeals from the zoning officer’s determination for a preliminary opinion under MPG Section 916.2;
- appeals from the determination of the zoning officer or municipal engineer in the administration of any land use ordinance or provision with reference to sedimentation and erosion control or storm water management insofar as the same relates to development not involving Article V (subdivision or land development) or VII (planned residential development) applications. In other words, appeals from erosion or storm water provisions under a zoning ordinance dealing with building on a single lot.
The Zoning Hearing Board meets on an as needed basis to hear applicants.
Zoning Hearing Board Members
- Timothy Shafer - Chairman, term expires 12/31/26
- David Brewer - term expires 12/31/25
- Robert M. Sabanas - term expires 12/31/24
- Alternate Member - Vacancy - term expires 12/31/25
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is a nine member volunteer committee appointed by the Board. The Planning Commission is responsible for the review of land developments, subdivisions and conditional use applications in the Township. Based on the review of these applications, they make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. They are also empowered to review Township Zoning, Subdivision, Land Development and Building Code ordinances and make recommendations to the Board on these issues. The Planning Commission meets on a monthly basis to hold public meetings to review applications and discuss ongoing issues. The Planning Commission meets the first Monday of every month.
Planning Commission Members
- Brett H. MacKay - Chairman - term expires 12/31/24
- Patricia Younce - Vice Chair - term expires 12/31/26
- Douglas Leach - term expires 12/31/25
- Joseph Vavra - term expires 12/31/27
- Matt Chartrand - term expires 12/31/26
- Dr. Edward Buonocore - term expires 12/31/25
- Nancy Becker - term expires 12/31/25
- Dennis McGeehan - term expires 12/31/24
- Michael Main - term expires 12/31/27
- Kofi Osei, Board Liaison
Environmental Advisory Council
Environmental Advisory Council Members
- Rory Kelley, Chairman - term expires 12/31/25
- Joseph F. Meehan - term expires 12/31/24
- Donna Hegge - term expires 12/31/26
- Brett H. MacKay - term expires 12/31/26
- Kelly Bonsignore - term expires 12/31/24
- Vanessa Gaynor - term expires 12/31/25
- David McCreary - term expires 12/31/26
- Rich Costlow - Associate Member - term expires 12/31/26
- Vacancy, Associate Member - term expires 12/31/24
- Vacancy, Associate Member - term expires 12/31/25
- Joyce Snyder, Board Liaison
Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee
The Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee is a five member volunteer committee comprised of three farmers, one resident from the designated Agricultural Security Area and one member of the Board of Supervisors. The Agricultural Security Area in Towamencin Township was established jointly with Lower Salford and Skippack Townships totaling more than 1,082 acres. The area was established in accordance with Pennsylvania Agricultural Security Area Law (Act 43 of 1981 as amended 1988). The area provides protection to farmers from reasonable restrictions on farm structures and practices and discourages the condemnation of farmland by eminent domain. The committee meets as needed to review applications by property owners to be included in the Agricultural Security Area.
Agricultural Security Area Advisory Committee
- Holly Bechtel - term expires 12/31/24
- Allen Brady - term expires 12/31/24
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/24
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/24
- Laura Smith, Board Liaison
Economic Development Committee
The committee is charged with determining ways to make the Township more “business friendly” in order to both retain and attract new businesses, particularly with the hope of filling retail vacancies in the Township. Efforts will be made to increase and improve communication between the Township and both businesses and residents. Members will meet monthly and information on the committee’s efforts will be forthcoming. Committee members hold 3-year terms.
Economic Development Committee
- Steven Pratt, Chairman - term expires 12/31/25
- Patricia Younce - term expires 12/31/24
- Mark Nicoletti - term expires 12/31/25
- Matthew Chartrand - term expires 12/31/25
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/26
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/25
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/25
- Chuck Wilson, Board Liaison
Emergency Operations Committee
The Emergency Operations Committee was formed in May 2009 in response to increasing National Incident Management System (NIMS) requirements being leveled on the local level of government. The committee acts as an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors on matters related to the staffing, provisioning, set-up, and operation of the Emergency Operations Center. Committee members will be called on to staff Emergency Operations Center (EOC) positions when the EOC is activated. The committee will also provide input and review to Township Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) updates and updates to the Notification and Resource Manual (NARM). The EOC meets on an as needed basis. Committee members hold 3-year terms.
Emergency Operations Committee Members
Daniel M. Littley, Jr. Emergency Operations Coordinator
- Charles Shaw – term expires 12/31/24
- Michele Carbajal-Alvarez – term expires 12/31/26
- Andrew Phipps - term expires 12/31/26
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/23
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/23
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/23
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/23
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/23
- Laura Smith, Board Liaison
- Chuck Wilson, Board Liaison
Open Space and Parks Advisory Committee
The committee is a volunteer group appointed by the Board of Supervisors to review and work on open space issues, provide direction on park maintenance and development. They meet on a monthly basis discuss these issues. Committee members hold 3-year terms.
Open Space and Parks Advisory Committee Members
- Joseph F. Meehan, Chairman, term expires 12/31/26
- Nancy J. Becker - term expires 12/31/25
- Richard Costlow – term expires 12/31/24
- David Sponseller – term expires 12/31/24
- Joseph Rumsey – term expires 12/31/25
- Robert DeHaven – term expires 12/31/25
- Michon Blake - term expires 12/31/26
- Dan Vaitis - term expires 12/31/26
- Todd Fisher – term expires 12/31/24
- Laura Smith, Board Liaison
Special Events Advisory Committee
The committee is a volunteer group appointed by the Board of Supervisors to aid the Special Events Advisory Committee in the planning and execution of the various programs offered to the residents of the Township. The members attend a meeting every other month in order to plan, suggest, and organize events for the Township. The volunteer members bring fresh ideas, creative solutions, head subcommittees and aid in recruiting other volunteer for each event. We ask that each member attend at least 4 - 5 events throughout the year.
Special Events Advisory Committee Members
- Katie Cleary, Events Coordinator - term expires 12/31/25
- Susan Taylor – term expires 12/31/24
- Meredith Corlett – term expires 12/31/26
- James DePaul - term expires 12/31/24
- Gisela Koch – term expires 12/31/25
- Rebecca Curlett - term expires 12/31/24
- Megan Satalino - term expires 12/31/26
- Laura Smith, Board Liaison
Towamencin Authority
- Patricia Younce - term expires 12/31/24
- Laura C. Smith - term expires 12/31/24
- Daniel M. Littley - term expires 12/31/24
- Daniel G. Bell - term expires 12/31/25
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/23
Towamencin Municipal Authority
- Jeffrey A. Schoppe, Chairman - term expires 12/31/28
- John E. Minihan - term expires 12/31/24
- Beth Smith - term expires 12/31/25
- Charles Wilson III - term expires 12/31/26
- Richard Marino - term expires 12/31/27
Traffic Impact Fee Advisory Committee
The Traffic Impact Fee Advisory Committee is a seven member volunteer board established in 1991 to develop the land use assumptions and conduct the appropriate roadway sufficiency analysis to establish a Traffic Impact Fee. Once the Traffic Impact Fee was established, the committee is responsible for reviewing any amendments to the fee. The committee meets on an as needed basis. Committee members hold 1-year terms.
- David Oglevee - term expires 12/31/24
- Chris Canavan - term expires 12/31/24
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/24
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/24
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/24
- Kofi Osei, Board Liaison
UCC (Uniform Construction Code) Board of Appeals
- Dave Kriebel - term expires 12/31/25
- Richard Pieper - term expires 12/31/24
- Vacancy - term expires 12/31/26
Veterans Memorial Committee
- Michael Lewis, Chairman - term expires 12/31/25
- Joseph Meehan, Vice Chair - term expires 12/31/25
- Gordon Bell - term expires 12/31/25
- Barry Kenyon - term expires 12/31/24
- Bill Dauphinee - term expires 12/31/24
- Robert Dell - term expires 12/31/24
- Laureen Sendel-Grant - term expires 12/31/25
- Barry Forgeng - term expires 12/31/25
- Chet Ruminski - term expires 12/31/24
- Daniel Littley - term expires 12/31/26
- R. Carter LeBrocq - term expires 12/31/26
- Rich Marino - term expires 12/31/26
- Joyce Snyder - Board Liaison