9-1-1 Information
To report all other police related problems or to request the services of a police officer at any time, dial: (215) 368-7600.
To contact someone in the Police Department Administrative Office directly, dial: (215) 368-7606. This telephone number should be used only for administrative or business needs or to contact a specific Towamencin Township Police Department officer or employee.
9-1-1 is a 3 digit emergency number that is easy to remember. It will provide you with immediate and direct access to fire, police and medical services.
When to use 9-1-1:
9-1-1 should be used to report any situation that requires immediate response of a fire truck, police officer or ambulance. DO NOT call 9-1-1 for weather information, household problems, legal advice, nuisance complaints, the time, or for any other reason which is not an emergency.

When you dial 9-1-1 the operator will need to know the following:
- The phone number you are calling from
- The address you are calling from
- The nature of your emergency
- Any other information as required
When dialing 9-1-1 do not hang up, even if you have misdialed the phone. Wait for the operator to reply to your call. Speak slowly and clearly. Many times callers will become loud or over-excited during an emergency. It is important for everyone concerned that you try to remain calm and provide the operator with the information he or she needs to properly take care of your call.