The police department is organized into two major sections, Administrative and Operations Services.
Administrative Services include those functions that are more support in nature and include Records Management, Financial Management, Professional Responsibility, and Recruiting and Hiring.
In a police agency of this size a number of administrative and support type services must fall upon operational personnel as secondary responsibilities. Also, some operational specialties are performed as a secondary assignment due to the limited frequency of need.
Operations include the functions that directly provide police services to the community. The majority of police department personnel and resources focus upon Operations that include Patrol Services, Highway Safety Services, Criminal Investigations and Drug Task Force Operations.
Administrative & Operation Services
Patrol Services

The majority of police department personnel are assigned to
Patrol Services. Patrol officers represent the most visible and important function of the police department. Patrol Services personnel are responsible for all primary uniformed and plainclothes patrol duties in the department, including marked and unmarked
vehicle patrols, bicycle patrols, routine traffic enforcement, accident investigation, emergency response and tactical operations.
Police officers are often assigned to specialty units and functions as either a
primary or a secondary responsibility. However, all sworn police personnel must be prepared and capable at anytime to assume the duties and perform the tasks necessary to immediately respond to the police service needs of the community.
Highway Safety
Highway Safety - Highway safety Officers are responsible for specialized traffic enforcement and traffic education programs. Highway Safety Services include traffic studies, traffic sign and signal surveys, special traffic enforcement details, traffic accident investigation and reconstruction, school zone safety and enforcement, truck inspection and truck weight limit enforcement, DUI enforcement and checkpoints, and seat belt safety problems.
Criminal Investigations
Police Officers assigned as Detectives are responsible for criminal investigations, crime scene processing, criminal intelligence, applicant background checks, and the investigation of juvenile crime. They also assist and work closely with other police officers in criminal case preparation and the criminal prosecution of offenders. Personnel assigned as Police Specialists assist with evidence management, warrant management, criminal identification, criminal processing functions.
Administrative Services
Administrative Services personnel are responsible for personnel services, clerical support, data processing, facilities management, purchasing, statistics, and the preparation and submission of various reports to the Towamencin Township Board of Supervisors, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Montgomery County Drug Task Force
The Montgomery County District Attorney's Office sponsors and funds multi-jurisdictional drug investigations. Specially trained police officers are sworn as Special Montgomery County Detectives and they are empowered to investigate drug violations that affect the Towamencin Township community, but may also expand beyond the Township's borders.
Montgomery County Swat - Central Region
The police department is a participating member of the Montgomery County SWAT - Central Region Tactical Response Team. The tactical response team responds to many types of high-risk situations that require a specialized response. Team members receive training focusing upon physical fitness, special weapons and proficiency, entry and arrest techniques, crisis negotiations, and other specialties. Tactical medical personnel also participate on the team.
North Penn Regional Criminal Processing Center
The police department utilizes the North Penn Area Regional Processing Center, located at the Lansdale Borough Police Department. Fourteen police agencies use the center to electronically fingerprint (live scan), digitally photograph (CPIN), and conduct video court appearances as part of the Montgomery County Centralized Booking Center Network.